Thursday, April 28, 2005

My mother's day

HAppy with my mum came to LU to visit me,
not happy with the attitude I treat someone.
Got Bonnie's phone call and Step's either,
they finally came across the HKAL turmoil.

happy with Mei Mei and Pig kwan's icq message,
when u are midnight along with the PC,
someone knock at your Icq
warms you lots.

Missing my roomate as I haven't stay with her for a long time.

A tired and satisfied day.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


作者在文章開始便借繪圖家Nina laden 的Roberto, The Insect Architect中Roberto到大城市中尋找自己的建築夢,但接觸的盡是跟想像中完全不同的城市一故事說明了所謂的城市文化其實是由我們對一個城市的印象﹑如何看待它的社區關係﹑人的流動性大小及城市中的大大小小權力拉扯等等塑造出來的。 作者深入探討文化的兩大結構﹕城市幻想及生活文化經驗。 城市幻想是指我們對「城市」這個概念不再僅僅是一個密集式人口居住的地方,而更多的是我們對它的一幻想或期望。從十九世紀大規模城市化以來,很多人(不論城市人或鄉村人)均視城市是實現夢想的地方。城市文化的形成往往就是人從不同信息媒體得到一些城市面貌的描述,從中形成對城市的一種普遍的印象。例如我們普遍認為城市是交通發達,生活節奏急速等等。而某些城市的特別印象如紐約在大多數心目中是充滿活力﹑摩天大聳立的一個大城市等的想像是那些不斷集中鏡頭於紐約的高樓大厦的電影,或是漫畫或小說中的描述等造成的。作者認為城市幻想影響城市規劃。Roberto之所以認為在大城市中可以找到Georg Simmel所說的城市中的自由是因為他想像大城市是什麼事都有可能的。此他廢物再用,利用去完成他的建築家夢。但是Roberto的城市想像跟真正的城市規劃決策者是不同的。城市規劃決策者對城市的想像會直接影響到城市的一草一木。例如深圳的地鐵是深圳城規的三大重點之一,從中我們可以窺見深圳政府對現代化的期望。 現實歸現實,生活文化經驗並不如城市幻想般美好。表面光鮮的城市生活背後是失業﹑罪案或擠塞等問題。作者用Roberto到城市後的遭遇點出現實的城市生活與想像是天壤之別。而Roberto的一夜成名更說明城市的媒體化,Roberto的建築在一夜之間成為Roberto’s city,成為城市的代表物之一。資訊媒體的迅速擴散是城市的特色之一,它既是城市人得到資訊的來源,同時亦擔任監督城市人的工具。城市與城市之間亦是透過這種媒體的傳播而互相交流﹑建立自己的城市形象。
作者引用電影〈Mon Oncle〉說明不同的城市形象,如繁忙的紐約市﹑優閒的巴黎等,會有不同的生活文化經驗,紐約人不會有巴黎人的下午茶心情。亦指出現代化所帶來的商品文化控制了城市人的生活,簡單如一件家電的設計亦是為塑造某種風格,但是城市人亦不是單單處於一個被動的狀態,很多人不會跟規則來做事,人不致於失落了自己。
作者再引用的電影〈Blade Runner〉則完全不同於前者,一個過於後現代化的城市,跟一切傳統事物說再見,人被操控多於操控人,就像成龍一樣要不斷問「我是誰?」。
作者在句尾點出城市本身就是在向人發出一種影像的宣傳,that’s why ‘everything communicates’.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Work finished

Not an easy task,
two days set up an exhibition.
Worked days and nights with little food,
lack of sleep drove us cracy.
It's really good that it finished in the end.

P>S> UGC guys are not the way I thought they were.
It seems that they have no communication with the lower level or they
persue elitism.

Surprised by my tutoring student whom can blow the song'DAI CHANG JIN" .

Paul is not odd at all after working with him,we guys just got too much bias towards him.

Circle is really a circle in front of her family and boyfriend.

Received a phone call from a long-time-no-see friend,really surprised.
Need to join them in a dinner this Sat. night,just can't wait...................

Peggy ,thanks for your tolerance in the working for the exhibition...
Siu Yee ,thanks for your care in the process.
Rainsta,thanks for doing things for me when I forgot to do them.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

welcome to SZ---Window of the world Posted by Hello

Monday, April 11, 2005


作者借由愛迪生﹑牛頓及愛因斯坦得出「科技是個人智慧的結晶,足以改變社會歷史」這一結論。這種說法被稱為「科技決定論」,它的擁護者認為科技會單向性地影響社會機械的運作,但人在其中並不能決定或素操縱科技的產生,唯一可做的是盡量減少科技對社會做成的破壞。在他們眼中,空調的產生是又一科技的邁進,沒有say ‘no’ 的權力,少開空調是唯一可做的事。可是,這種學說在近年來招來不少批評,認為空調不應只是科技產品,我們還要顧及其在中上產人士的生活中扮演的角色。其中麥堅時(Donald MacKenzie) 認為「科技產品」的產生及消費或其應用是由社會的不同因素決定。
「社會改變科技」由文化研究之父衛威廉(Raymond William)借由電視機的產生一例說明電視機的產生是由不同社會力量如工業因素或政治控制等決定的。科技與其說是一個獨立運作的個體,倒不如說是已融入生活的一部分。就如如當代文化經濟研究者Paul du Gay所指出的,隨身聽(walkman)所具備的實際社會意義遠超過其本身的科技產品意義。隨身聽(walkman)可以是優閒一族的象徵,又可以是年輕人趕潮流的玩意兒。
文中作再引電話一例,指出電話在不同時期有不同的使用對象。從原先的商業用途到今日的家庭必需品﹔從男人的手中轉移到女人的手中,再到青少年的手上。這些由社會的劣勢一群對電話的應用是可以改變整體社會對電話使用者的設定。這就是Paul du Gay說的「科技的新意義及身份會由新的應用所建構出來」。電話在今天的普遍性,就如Paul Wisener所說,到了「匿名物件」的地步。


Saturday, April 09, 2005

Friend's talk

you don't have to keep seeing a friend too much,
one telephone call,
connects two best friends.
I like the relationship we pocess now,
bitter sweet.
Though I know very little about you,
I keep thinking those of you.
I know life seperates us on different places
at different life moments,
we still bond together.
MK,I know friendship sometimes evolves into
a tighter bond,tighter than the ionic bonding.

Need to contact Karen,
Moving castle again.

I want to take the intern in Metro post,
competition is tough,
vancancy low..............

Train de vein
a film about a group of Jews faking Germans,
on their train journey to Palestine.
Friday Night,
enjoyable night.

PS.Can anybody tell me what's the meaning of wearing ring on the middle finger??

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Japanese-oriented textbook

Imagine people fake the texts in books
which commonly read by our children............
nanjin mass murder is not an even in which millions of people lost their life!
They just got killed,not died..................
Diaoyu Island is not yet firm on which way,
how could people put them as facts??
History teaches us how to make less mistakes,
we could not just by 'correcting' the 'mistakes' in history to avoid showing mistakes in the past.
Hidden facts are facts,
they will not change in the way they change the texts in the textbooks..

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Shopping day!!!

First of all,
I need to say'I wash all my $$ away today'
Second,really happy shopping with MK.
Third,I need a break from the work.
Fourth,I need to keep fit again.
So,I end the page earlier to save my time.....

P>S>MUJI clothes .............pretty

can people tell me what's the difference between the one on the roof and the one inside the roof???

school advertisement........imagine our next generation growing up playing basketball under such propaganda



Back to SZ,
no thing special except the skyscrappers.
I felt odd standing there,
a place where I had once spent six years
living,studying,making friends and my first secret love.
I don't know what exactly my feelings to it,
I know I am distancing myself from it.
maybe I just pretend I left nothing there anymore.
Maybe deep in my heart I am the one missed it the most.........